torsdag den 30. september 2010

første mandarin time

Nu er det efterhånden to uger siden jeg har skrevet. Jeg sidder nu foran skolekantinen og venter på at de åbner. Den er 6.30 om morgenen og jeg er mega træt eftersom min søvn i nat bestod af 3 dåser red bull. Jeg har netop e-mailet min marketingseksamen til CBS. Det er en ret sjov oplevelse at gå rundt på campus så tidligt. Det ene hjørne er der en flok kristne der beder og synger sange og her foran biblioteket er der en masse som laver Tai Chi.

Actually I ought to write in English. I've had a few good weeks. I started classes, I met a local family and I've made more friends. I got invited to Miranda's family's restaurant last week. Miranda is a taiwanese woman i got to know through my chinese studies on qq(chinese msn). She has a daughter who's  in her 20s. She studies at UCLA in California. She also has an 18 year old daughter who is a freshman. I was supposed to meet them thursday last week at their hot pot restaurant. However, I decided to attend my first PE lesson 4 hours before. It ended up with a trip to the doctor to get x-rays. It's 8 days ago now and my ancle is still swollen and blue. Nothing is broken though so hopefully i'll be fine again soon.
Anyways, I was about 90 minutes late, but I met up with them and they took me to the hotpot restaurant. Taiwanese food is so good. The food was great and the company was even better. My family in Denmark has hosted several exchange students and I was an exchange student in Canada when I was 16. I even contacted some exchange organizations before I went to Taiwan because I wanted to get to know some local families. I am quite surprised to see how much they remind me of europeans. At least compared to chinese people. Not many big cultural differences.
I was 90 minutes late meeting them and I continued the week giving more bad first impressions. We had a BBQ with all the exchange students and some of the local students. A few girls who majored in litterature thought it was very interesting that I was from Denmark. A country with such great welfare. I told them about how disappointed I am about that fact and that I think it should be way more liberal. I thought that Taiwan was supposed to be a very capitalistic place but I've been quite surprised cause all the students always talk about human rights, ethics, social responsibility etc. I must admit that I am very surpirsed. They ended up saying that my religion is money so I actually took all my North Korea(savings for travel) money and send them to some poor farmers in Cambodia the next day just cause I felt bad about it. Might be a good thing though.After all, not the best place in the world to get stuck.
This is not just girls who major in litterature. I've had the same experiences with students who major in business. Everybody are so ethical and everybody seems to be "I wanna save the world" kinda people.
Anyways, I've been doing more things than giving bad first impressions. We went paragliding at Green Bay last week and we went to fulong beach all day sunday. No tan so far but a big burn on my shoulders....this is the 2nd time i'm peeling. I'm usually able to get a tan after 4-5 tries :) It was a lot of fun going paragliding although it isn't as exciting as bungee jumping nor scuba diving. I was lucky enough to get the good instructor though which turned out to be a good thing cause one of the students ended up in some trees and my german friend kinda crashed as well. I can't wait til I get my ancle back to normal. NTU has so many awesome clubs so I will have plenty of chances to go scuba diving and rock climbing the next couple of months.
We had some kinda ghost holiday last week. It was kinda funny cause my german friend didn't know about it. The locals give some kind of paper money to the ghosts to make sure that the ghosts are nice to them. The german guy thought that she was putting paper in the garbage can so he was about to throw his trash in top of the pile of the papermoney she was sacrificing to the ghosts. That would've been real bad, but luckily one of our taiwanese friends stopped him in time. 
I also changed another course. I was taking this really good course about competition analysis. An awesome professor from MIT and some really smart classmates. Only problem was that we had to work 11 hours last saturday. It's gonna be like that every week so i decided to quit so i'll have more chances to explore this awesome island.
I general I am doing well although I've had some bad phone doesn't work, my visa card doesn't work, my calculator disappeared into the blue air and of course my ancle. The phone is the biggest problem cause it makes it kinda hard to meet friends.
I had my first chinese lesson this week. It was very good. We are only about 8 students and we are only allowed to speak chinese which is super difficult for me but the teacher speaks slowly and she explains her meaning quite detailed so I was able to understand everything she said...and the big surprise...she also understood me :) I'm making rapid progress, so who knows..maybe i'll be on CCTV for the chinese competition for foreigners next summer.
We learned how to say 44 stone lions :) Sì shí sì zhǐ shí shīzi|zh-CN|%E5%9B%9B%E5%8D%81%E5%9B%9B%E5%8F%AA%E7%9F%B3%E7%8B%AE%E5%AD%90  You can try to listen at google translate to see if you can get it right :)

Surfing and karaoke coming up this week. I am learning to sing a very famous song "you mei you ren ceng gaosu ni有没有人曾告诉你have i(or have i not) already told you?"...not sure if I will upload it  though haha.
the canteen is open and i am starving。我在饿死。。也在累死啊

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